Sisterhood (HLM Pussy) | Review

Nora El Hourch’s Fiery Sisterhood is La Haine for the #MeToo Generation

Nora El Hourch Sisterhood Movie ReviewArriving like a molotov cocktail thrown through a plate glass window — or more accurately, like a hashtag gone viral — Nora El Hourch makes an unforgettable first impression with her fiery feature debut Sisterhood. Where La Haine became a cinematic, mid-90s touchstone with its gritty, unblinking depiction of France’s racial tensions, El Hourch’s picture may do the same for this generation as they take hold of the next wave of feminism and the #MeToo movement and pull it into the future.

The much better, and more provocative French title, HLM Pussy, gives a better sense of the context of the picture’s electric charge.… Read the rest

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