Die Dame von Paris (1927)

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Hoping to capitalize on the Hollywood success of Hungarian actress Vilma Banky, a fly-by-night distributor purchased the American rights for Banky’s 1924 German vehicle Das Schone Abenteur, which was rechristened The Lady From Paris. The star is cast as Yvonne Barron, a woman of mystery who is somehow linked up with master thief Valescu (Ernest Reicher). Falling in love with Valescu’s latest pigeon, a handsome young European prince (Gibson Thane), Yvonne decides to turn the tables on her partner in crime. Fans of Vilma Banky were stunned to see their favorite over-acting to the rafters, and with a ton of unflattering facial makeup to boot. Perhaps mercifully, The Lady From Paris died a quiet death during its brief American run, not affecting the actress’ popularity in the least.