A clever approach helped to keep this light domestic comedy entertaining, in spite of a thin plot. Two couples, one poor and one rich, are having the exact same dilemma. Millie (Helene Chadwick), the wife of Newton Craddock (Pat O’Malley), is putting her husband into serious debt because of her extravagance — she’ll buy anything as long as she can put a dollar down and pay fifty cents a week (keep in mind these are 1922 dollars, worth a lot more in those days!). Meanwhile Norman’s boss, Thomas Kirtland (Norman Kerry), has to deal with his wife, Dorothy (Claire Windsor), who thinks nothing of buying a fur coat that she can’t really afford. Neither couple seems to be able to settle down long enough to start a family. Then both wives think their husbands are seeing other women. Craddock winds up getting some good advice from Kirtland, and vice versa. As a result, the men straighten out their spendthrift wives.