Homegrown | 2024 Venice Film Festival Review

Been Caught Stealing: Premo Watches the Pendulum Swing Right

Utilizing the January 6 United States Capitol attack as the docu’s rousing finale, Homegrown delves deep into the heart of right-wing activism, capturing the real-time intensity (and hostility) of three separate fanatics who participate (and tailgate) in saving quote unquote democracy. While examining the broader implications of political polarization and on a lesser frequency the fragility of democracy, journo-director Michael Premo’s debut often captures crucial moments of civil unrest with a well-placed camera. With the choice sampling being in the right place at the right time, prime choice footage might be a causal and confusing street conversation over when the hornet’s nest is disturbed for what will inherently be a shocking and unsettling montage of violent sequences.… Read the rest

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