No Sleep Till | 2024 Venice Film Festival Review

Eye of the Norm: Simpson Looks at Coastal Coasting with Minimalist, Passive POV

There is a new breed of emerging American indie filmmakers who are Sunshine State-centric, highlighting the unique diversity of its communities and the complexities of its geography. In her feature debut, Euro-American filmmaker Alexandra Simpson captures this essence with an observational style — it’s a little reminiscent of Tim Sutton’s early work. In contrast to typical disaster films (even of the micro-budgeted indie sort), Simpson’s No Sleep Till presents a quiet, sometimes docu cinema where there’s no looming catastrophe or fear porn-driven narrative. Instead, the film portrays a storm as it truly feels—an inevitable part of life—where characters, often with no interconnected stories, simply exist in the moment, embracing the fluidity of time.… Read the rest

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